Friesen family blog

This is why we do it…


I finally got to return to doing my storytime visits at in-home daycares yesterday after my 4 month hiatus.

When I logged into facebook in the morning…this is what was waiting for me with the caption “waiting for Janette”


How nice to be missed. What’s even nicer was seeing their cute faces and having them sing songs with me. :)

Ahh…it’s good to be back.

One of my co-workers asked me yesterday if the novelty of driving had worn off yet…absolutely not! I feel like I’m 16 again. Loving the freedom!

I will admit though that the first place I had to be somewhere without someone else being responsible to get me there…I was late. Apparently I had to be more “with it” when it came to my schedule when I was dependent on all those other people!

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