It’s time to face the music…
It’s time to admit I may not have made it…
It’s time to resolve to do better this year!
I haven’t set my resolutions for this year yet, I’m pondering those this week. I have some ideas…trying to make them measurable and meaningful.
For now…the check on last year’s resolutions:
1) I resolve to continue the better shape goal. I am aiming to enter more races than I did this year…or at least longer ones. Last year there were five 5k’s, one 4-miler, and one 8k. This year, there WILL BE at least one 10K. I’m not sure that marathon…or even half…will ever be on my radar. But, i will admit, it is kindof fun to see how much I can do, and gain that new accomplishment pride all over again. I also aim to be a motivator to my friends and co-workers in this goal.
Okay…this year, there were 4 5k’s, one 4-miler, and one 8K. Wow, it felt like I ran more than that. I never did get the 10K run. It isn’t that i can’t do the distance. I have run it in practice a few times, it just never worked out to get to an actual 10K race.
Fun to see how much I can do?? Still is. I often find myself setting out to run a couple quick miles at the gym and end up pushing myself to 3.5 or 4 miles just to see if i can still get it done. There is a certain sense of accomplishment that comes with it – even if it is still less than 5 miles. It’s way more than I would have ever considered running 2 years ago and there are no plans to stop!
I think I have motivated people – friends and co-workers. We all check in with each other and see what we’ve been doing on the workout front. Some of us even workout together. I think we’ve all become healthier in the last year. Thanks to each other! It makes quite a difference to have a strong support network! (and one that will push you to your limit!)
So…on this goal – fail on the 10K and more races overall. I’ve got to be missing one…to at least tie last year – I’ll have to double check the records! But…win on the continuing on the journey. Last year (2010) I worked out a total of 255 days out of the year…2011 brought 305. It’s all about the numbers to me. This year I’m aiming for 306 at least.
I also attempt to run 13 miles a week. Some weeks are better than others – and some weeks I flat out don’t run at all. I think it’s better for my mental health.
Resolution #2 from last year:
2) I resolve to try harder when it comes to recognizing what people do for me. It has always been a habit to say “thank you” to people when they do something for me. I say thank you every day to the people that take care of my children, to the people that come to the library (therefore sustaining my job), and to the people that wait on my table. Basically, I say thank you to everyone. I hope that my children have noticed…I know my son has…he usually won’t stop saying thank you until you respond with a “you’re welcome”. In a entitlement society…I resolve to not become a part of that mentality and to make sure people get the thanks and recognition they deserve, if only by that simple “thank you” I can provide.
I am proud to say that this year we have all said thank you more! We have made it a priority to teach our children manners – and noticing what people do for you is a big part of that. Now, when saying thank you to someone, I don’t merely say it and walk away. I make sure I look the person in the eye and tell them thanks, and often add how much I appreciate it. Sometimes this shocks people. Sad to see that the simplest thing – a heartfelt thank you – happens so infrequently that people are surprised when it happens.
I say bring on 2012. Let’s all resolve to blow this year’s resolutions out of the water. Whatever they may be. Make sure to check back toward the end of the week for this years goals…and I welcome you to take the journey with me…whether by following along, or jumping right in.
January 2, 2012 at 1:07 pm
love this post!