Friesen family blog

the first trips down the hill


No, it’s not a very big hill…and no, there isn’t a ton of snow on it yet, but I asked Ellie on Monday “If you could do anything today, what would it be?” Dangerous question for a 4 year old. Thank goodness she picked sledding. The possibilities were endless.

So, we bundled up, busted out the sleds, and took some turns down the hill. Yes, I, too went down the hill, but don’t trust said 4 year old with my camera in the snowy outdoors to snap a picture of that. You’re just going to have to trust that i did it…right there on that little green sled. And I’ll admit…it was kinda great! Not too much snow so I didn’t sink in. Just the perfect amount of snow to make it slippery…although a little bumpy. Snow does help with the cushioning…

So sweet…she wanted to help Evan go down the hill…or maybe she just wanted to push him. She did say enthusiastically “I’ll push Evan so you can take a picture.” I thought it was out of sweetness at the time.  Either way, he didn’t seem to care how he got down the hill!

The “Hi Mom” at the bottom!

Ellie’s twirly, whirly ride.

My sledders…all worn out. But what would the day be without making snow castles?

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