Friesen family blog

birthday boy



It brings with it so many stereotypes…a lot of them true.

Especially with this child.

He’s finding his independence…for the past 3 months.

I suppose its good. I want him to be independent. I just want him to be independent while still conforming to what mom says. Is that wrong?

Anyway…I digress.

The day started out like any other birthday here…with, you guessed it, the birthday donut!

Not so sure about the fire.

After that I hope he had a good day. I worked all day, so he was at daycare for most of it. He moved rooms at the daycare, too. I didn’t pick him up, so i don’t know how it went. What a big day for a little guy.

His party the day before was a success too…

He liked his cake. He just kept saying “fish”, “lub lub” (which of course is blub, blub – or what a fish says).

Anytime you’d ask him if it was his birthday, he’d just say “cake”, or “happy” as in happy birthday. Very cute.

And of course, he liked his presents…who doesn’t like presents?

Oh, Happy Birthday, Little Man. I hope we have a great year. And I hope you find that independence, decide its not for you, and go back to being my calm little man…

No, thats not true. I just hope the next year doesn’t kill me.


  1. What a cutie pie!!! :)

  2. Happy Birthday Ev! Sorry we couldn’t make it to the party, we’ll see you soon.

  3. Sweet Janette! It’s always nice to hear your real thoughts!

  4. golly he’s cute, janette!!!!! heehee. and this next year won’t kill you- promise =)

    happy birthday, even!

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