Friesen family blog

a night at the movies


Ellie got to go to her very first movie at a theatre this week.

It only took us this long to get there because we decided to wait until we were sure she could sit through a whole movie without having to go potty, and without driving us, and those people around us, crazy.


We kept it a secret from her until the moment we got to the theatre (and oh how i wish i took my camera with me!)
I showed her the movie poster for “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” and asked her if she remembered the book…she said yes…and when asked if we should go see the movie…she started yelling “yes…come on guys.”

So like her. Ready for anything!

So, we get in the theatre and get our tickets and instead of saying thank you, she asks the person taking money for popcorn.

Oh, my impatient child.

After scoring some popcorn…we walked into the theatre to a chorus of “wow…look at this place!”
We get to our row of seats and I tell her to go in and pick a seat.
She, playing with the chairs that flip up and down, explains that she can’t climb into one because they’re tippy.

The people a few rows back find this hysterical and and asked if it was her first movie. My comment “is it that obvious?”

We did settle down, watch the whole movie, eat almost a whole bag of popcorn, and drink hawaiian punch to our hearts delight…

and when food started falling from the sky, no matter what it was, Ellie would exclaim “a chance of meatballs.”

Seriously cute.


  1. that is so stinkin cute!!!! how fun! what a perfect moment even without a camera. Jedd is worried she is hold a dvd in her hand in that picture and I keep telling him it’s not.

    what is it?

  2. So incredibly precious – it amazes me how you can see both you and Nathan in her so easily. Love the “chance of meatballs”!

  3. First movies are soo fun! Ellie is such a dear!!!

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