Friesen family blog

thank you mr. random gentleman


last night, the fam was in Sam’s club looking around and Ellie was getting a little punchy. 
Punchy = whiny, done with the whole thing, tired, finished, etc…

Luckily, the night before we had checked out “llama, llama, mad at mama” from the library, on a recommendation from a friend of mine. If you haven’t read the book, its all about llama llama shopping at the shop-o-rama with mama and how he gets slightly punchy too.

i simply asked her if she was like the little llama in the book and if his mama liked that. she settled down a bit, and we continued shopping.

a few aisles later, this gentleman stops us and says “i just have to say something. you hear all of these parents yelling at their children to behave and it doesn’t work. you simply referred to a book you read together and that diffused the situation perfectly. so, bravo”

what a guy…my new hero…and way to make a mom feel like she’s worth something.

i did not mention to this gentleman that this was in fact the first, and only time, that i can recall my daughter listening to me in public. i also failed to mention that i had most definitely raised my voice with my child before…and probably will again. no, i did not mention these things…i just let myself bask in the glory of having someone recognize that i’m trying…and for once it worked.

i do not know this gentleman…but if he ever happens to stumble upon this blog…i just want to say thank you, mr. random for making me feel awesome!~


  1. Yea for Llama, Llama! So glad it worked and that someone noticed. And now that it’s documented, you can savor that wonderful feeling no matter what your fabulous children are acting like!

    A :)

  2. How cool is that? A nice random act of kindness!!

    You are doing a great job being a mommy!!

  3. There’s no question that you, Nathan & Janette, are going a great jpb parenting Elly and Evan. We are proud of what you are doing for these precious grandchildren and thankful for you. Keep up the good work!

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