Friesen family blog

our little project


A few weeks ago, after giving Ellie a bath, we were in her room to get her into her jammies and all of a sudden she starts to go to the bathroom…stops herself…runs into the bathroom and goes potty. We were thrilled…this was the evidence we needed that she was in fact ready to start wearing underwear…and never turn back. We waited to start, however, until after the janesville/chicago trip. I didn’t think wet car seats and peeing in my sister’s house would be elements of a fantastic vacation…

We started hardcore potty training on the 2nd. This first night, it did not go well. She was exceptionally tired from a birthday party we had gone to that afternoon (and the non-nap she took on the way home). She had three accidents that night, including one on our neighbor’s steps. (They weren’t home…but i’m not sure that makes it better…I’m just hoping they didn’t come home, bend down to find out why their steps were wet and do something like touch it or smell it) The next day went much better…and the subsequent days after that too…she was really catching on! And minus the few accidents we’ve had since then, she is doing pretty well…

through this experience, my patience has been tested many times, and I am constantly afraid she’s going to pee in the van, or in a store (Oh, I’d be horrified), and have become familiar with more public restrooms that I had ever seen before. I now know which stores have them and which don’t, which parks have them and which don’t, and which parks clean their toilets, and sadly, which don’t.

I also have now started keeping tabs on which restrooms have automatic flushers…that petrify my daughter. There is no experience quite like holding your screaming two year old on the toilet at McDonald’s because you know she has to go, although she is letting you, and everyone else in the restaurant, know that she “doesn’t have to go” as loudly as her little lungs will allow.

I hesitate to say she is potty trained. It sounds so final…and after working with loads of three year olds in the past couple of years that were “potty trained” I have a whole new respect for the distinction…and the finality of it. But, we’re getting there – we’ve made more progress than I thought we would while I was home on maternity leave…and we’ve lived through it – so far…


  1. Hah! We know all about automatic flushes. In fact, Owen inspects every toilet before he will use it. His joyful “It has a flusher!” can be heard far and wide when we find a good one.

    Hope it continues to get better and better!


  2. “Good” means that it won’t flush automatically on him, as I read my comment above and realize it’s somewhat cryptic. ;)

  3. Janette – You are doing great! But you worry too much. Everybody goes through the same thing. My daughter had an accident at McDs once, we just rinsed the undies and dried them with the hand dryer. No big deal!!

    My third child…now he’s another story…

  4. Hey! From a Mom with a daughter with the same fear, she makes me hold me hand over the sensor in front until she is done…Not technically touching anything, and when she’s finished — I may release and we are good to go!

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