Friesen family blog

Mother’s Day at the Zoo


A little out of order because of the Haiti posts…but I did want to go back to May!!

This year for Mother’s Day…we decided to take in the Blank Park Zoo.

We love this zoo! It is small, yes…but that is what makes it so doable with small kids in one day! Even part of a day!

We had stayed at Nathan’s mom’s house the night before, and gotten up early to make the short trek to Des Moines from Ogden. It was a nice way to spend the day as a family, and include Nathan’s mom in our Mother’s Day plans as well.

It was the perfect temperature that day…I wore a sweatshirt for the first half of the day – ideal weather for the zoo! It also wasn’t super busy, since we had opted not to do the mother’s day brunch at the zoo – but the line to get in when we left (around 1) was crazy long. Good planning on our part!

We took a break from following the Wallabys and sat outside of the Australian section of the zoo for a bit. Evan kept telling me he wanted me to get in the egg with him…but then when it actually came down to it, he didn’t want to share his egg. At least my girl did.

One of our favorite parts of the zoo is feeding the fish…but these monkey bars were calling to Ellie on the way there, so we had to stop and play for a bit. She’s been very into the monkey bars since last year at Kindergarten, and this summer she took every opportunity to practice them! Look at that tongue sticking out – the concentration is intense!

Finally made it to the fish.

What mama couldn’t love those two faces? Loved my day at the zoo with my babies. What a perfect mother’s day! (The fact that we followed it with lunch at Applebee’s and frozen yogurt from Lemon Tree didn’t hurt either!)

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